Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is a Sudra woman's body a corpse?

AnuSAsana Parva 048001 arthaaSrayaad vaa kaamaad vaa varNaanaam vaapy aniScayaat-
agnaanaad vaapi varNaanaam jaayate varNasamkarah
|| teshaam etena vidhinaa jaataanaam varNasamkare-
ko dharmah kaani karmaaNi tan me bruuhi pitaamaha
|| bhiishma uvaaca
|| caaturvarNyasya karmaaNi caaturvarNyam ca kevalam-
asrijat sa ha yagnaarthe puurvam eva prajaapatih
|| bhaaryaaS catasro viprasya dvayor aatmaasya jaayate-
aanupuurvyaad dvayor hiinau maatrijaatyau prasuuyatah
|| param Savaad brahmaNasyaisha putrah; Suudraaputram paaraSavam tam aahuh-
SuSruushakah svasya kulasya sa syaat; svam caaritram nityam atho na jahyaat

Bhishma said, "In the beginning, the Lord of all creatures created the four orders and laid down their respective acts or duties, for the sake of sacrifice.

The Brahmana may take four wives, one from each of the
four orders. In two of them (viz., the wife taken from his own order and that taken from the one next below), he takes birth himself (the children begotten upon them being regarded as invested with the same status as his own). Those sons, however, that are begotten by him on the two spouses that belong to the next two orders (viz., Vaisya and Sudra), are inferior, their status being determined not by that of their father but by that of their mothers.

The son that is begotten by a Brahmana upon a Sudra wife is called Parasara, implying one born of a corpse, for the Sudra woman's body is as inauspicious as a corpse.

He should serve the persons of his (father's) race. Indeed, it is not proper for him to give up the duty of service that has been laid down for him. Adopting all means in his power, he should uphold the burden of his family. Even if he happens to be elder in age, he should still dutifully serve the other children of his father who may be younger to him in years, and bestow upon them whatever he may succeed in earning.

ybrao a donkey's views
*This particular verse Anusasanika Chapt 048 Verse 005 which says that a Sudra woman's body is CORPSE is really obnoxious and shocking. It generates repulsion.

*Who is Bhishma to say that an elder brother born of Vaisya-Sudra wives from Brahmin husband should serve his younger brothers born of a higher caste woman?

*Is this the same Bhishma who sacrificed his empire and marriage for the sake of his father and a noble cause, which I rate far higher than the forest exile of Rama?

*Did scripture-preachers insert these verses?

*What is savam (corpse)? It is not Sudra woman's body. The caste system which Ramayana and Mahabharata is the savam.

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