1. Please do not misunderstand me as a Christian Missionary or an Islamic Cleric who is paid by EURamANZ countries or Saudi Arabia for writing this blog. I am doing my nishkAma karma in a way, irrespective of whether I get bouquets or brickbats. 2) Whatever I write here, whenever possible, my Readers may please compare to what I have written in my Ramayana blog mahabharatayb.blogspot.com.. At my Ramayana blog Post No. 129 published on 21st April 2012 i.e. more than seven years back, I have given the Valmiki Ramayana Verse No. 3-49-19 (Book of Forest , Chapter No. 49, Verse 19) wherein it is clearly mentioned that Ravana's Pushpaka was drawn by donkeys.
Scarcity of Horses during Ravana's period
Probably anticipating friction between Shri Rama and Bharata, in Ayodhya for succession to Dasaratha's throne, Bharata's maternal grandfather Asvapati (=Lord of Horses) and his maternal Uncle YudhAjit (=Conquerer of Wars), sent 1500 horses and cavaliers along with Bharata & Shatrughna, when they were returning to Ayodhya from their Grandfather's place.
In this Mahabharata blog, at Post No. Click to go to post 048, if you wish to see it
The Madhavi's story covered by me in about ten blog posts among them Post No. 048 being one, revolves around horses. I do not know why, but Sage Viswamitra asked his disciple Galava to give him as Guru-dakshina (Teacher's fees) 800 white horses which are absolutely free from black-spots. Galava did not know how to search for such rare things. On advice from his childhood friend GaruDA (Kite God who carries Lord Vishnu on his shoulders), he goes to three kings begging for absolutely white horses. One king gave him 200 horses which he had, and asked Galava to accept his daughter Madhavi in lieu of the remaining horses. Then Galava gave Madhavi to two other kings, and got from them 200 horses each, making total 600 horses. Unable to procure remaining 200 sought by his Guru Vishwamitra, he went to Vishwamitra and prayed him to forgive him for his failure in respect of the remaining 200, and appealed to him to take the 600 horses and Madhavi. Thus, Madhavi became an Object of Exchange for Horses. It demonstrates the shortage of quality horses during Mahabharata period.
Then, which animal was used for drawing carts and chariots?
Ans: donkeys and mules.
What does it demonstrate? Both during Ramayana period and Mahabharata period, there was scarcity of horses, and donkeys were used to draw carts and chariots.
Besides, Sage Vishwamitra asking for 800 ABSOLUTELY WHITE HORSES from his disciple as fees, also shows that Aryans were not only enamoured about the WHITE COLOR OF HUMANS, but also about the absolute WHITE COLOR OF ANIMALS. No mixed races or no hybrid races (to start with, in the early days of Migration. Later it got diluted. It is a different thing.). It was a sort of Racialism. Black is tolerated only when the King or God himself / Goddess herself, is black. After some Centuries, when Blacks became kings, and migrant-white-Aryans became subjects, the White Aryans had to accept black kings, and black Gods. Two more examples are to be written here. I shall write shortly.
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